From my other Blogs – Eighth Edition

This is the eight edition of a monthly recap of interesting posts from my photography blog and my video game blog.

Apart from a photography trip to Robin’s Bay, St Mary I took in early February I have been a lazy photographer this past month. There aren’t many events happening that interest me or fit into my schedule for me to attend but that should change as Easter gets closer and get even busier going into summer. I did run into an interesting online photo editor comparison article online which lists many popular and not so popular editors that I should be trying out in the coming weeks.

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The biggest news in February was that Nintendo has finally announced a date for the release of their Nintendo DSi (aka money printing machine) to us in the west, and that big day is April 5th. I am still thinking about getting one but I will have to sell my current DS lite first. I had been beta testing Quake Live on and off for the last few months but now the beta is open for eveyone who wants to give it a try, it’s free, it’s browser based and it’s really fun. Finally I surfed into a hilarious video called The 6 Weirdest Fan Tributes to Mario Bros, disturbing, but really really funny.

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Guava is one of the co0lest fruits you can ever eat and I love eating it
not only because it’s really good for me. I am also a reformed
guava jam addict.

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