Tokyo in 6 minutes Video

I spend a lot of time on the web and discover a lot of cool websites, resources, games, videos and more almost daily. My interest in Japan greatly influences which kind of discoveries I make and lately I am been going on many a Japan themed excursion using the internet as my mode of transport. One of my recent discoveries is a video called “Tokyo in 6 minutes” shot by named Warren den Engelsmanplus.

who could miss one of the most famous landmarks in Asakusa

He has a lot of videos uploaded on vimeo but Tokyo in 6 minutes remains my favourite. The six minute video was shot in Asakusa, Ueno, Odaiba and Shibuya – all districts within Tokyo and show some great normal, everyday life scenes and photographs that will make any Japan enthusiast’s toes curl. Video embedded below.

More on  My Short Film debut as a reincarnated Japanese Emperor

Email or RSS subscribers will have to click here to have the video displayed properly in their web browser. Remember to follow me on Twitter where I usual tweet about my discoveries and “like” my Facebook page to get updates not long after I update the blog. Also check out other awesome Tokyo related videos like Tokyo Time-lapse by Samuel Cockedey and Alone in Tokyo by Philip Bloom.


4 thoughts on “Tokyo in 6 minutes Video

  1. Thank you so much for providing that video! It brought back so many happy memories.

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