Belkovaya resolving diet

A modern man is much harder to stick to exactly this diet than any other, because we are so accustomed to salt in your diet that we do not think any dishes without this product. Meanwhile, the salt is most often the source of the accumulation of excess weight, because thanks to it in the body, an extra liquid accumulates in the body. And this is also a substantial factor, thanks to which we gain weight and expand in size.
The basic principle of the protein residue diet is to eat small portions and often. Of course, from the use of salt in the preparation of dishes you need to completely refuse. In addition, it is necessary to exclude fried, cooked with the addition of oil dishes. Oil (vegetable) can only be added in the already cooked dish. From the diet, we exclude salty, smoked, sharp and pickled dishes, saturated meat and fish broths, sweets (in the form of confectionery). At the same time, daily need to drink at least two liters of pure drinking water. As a meal, you can use boiled meat (chicken only without skin and fat - up to half a kilogram per day) Further is allowed to eat low-fat varieties (also not more than half a kilogram per day), no more than a quarter kilogram per day boiled only on water cereals (buckwheat , Parlova or Hercules).
If the food seems to you quite fresh, you can add a little low-fat (no more than one and a half percent of fatty) milk, lemon juice or honey. As the final stage of the protein volatile diet (that is, the last days of its observance) need to go to vegetables and fruits (everything, except for bananas and grapes - their composition includes too much sugar). Every day you can eat up to two kilograms of these products. Once again it is necessary to recall that if you decide to follow this diet in the summer, when the body loses a large amount of fluid, then you will need to increase its consumption. After all, with the energy and then it will be quite a lot of it, and therefore you can feel bad if you do not follow our advice. In addition to water you can drink green tea (or black, but anyone - without adding sugar). And even remember that, refusing salt, you refuse only from its concentrated species, because many products from nature already contain this product. Therefore, do not be afraid that something can happen to you if you abruptly refuse to use it. All the amount you need it will get from the products that you use.