The Boring Book – Japanese Children’s book

There has been a book collecting dust on my desk at work. Another result of my on again off again frustration when studying Japanese. “The Boring Book” is the English title for つまんない つまんない by Shinsuke Yoshitake. It is a picturebook released in 2017. I finally took it up dusted it off and read it in one sitting – It shouldn’t have taken me this long. You’d think that after my Unko Kanji Drill success I would have kept the momentum going.

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The boring book - つまんない つまんない by Shinsuke Yoshitake

つまんない つまんない by Shinsuke Yoshitake

The book follows a little kid as she tries to find something interesting to do with her free time. After many crazy attempts, she finally chats with her grandfather and then her father but in the end, she is still… bored!

The Boring Book

つまんない つまんない turned out to be a good read. It’s all in hiragana with simple sentences and vocabulary. Absolute beginners who are learning Hiragana and Katakana will find this book useful and even those who know kana can use it to practice reading. I originally plucked it from my school library to practice reading faster and faster because at the moment my reading speed is atrocious. It is very similar to another picturebook I enjoyed – I have a complaint – I am just realising that it is by the same author when writing this post.

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The boring book - つまんない つまんない by Shinsuke Yoshitake

Check it out if you are looking for simple books to read. Tweet me @Jamaipanese if you do or if you are more advanced and want to recommend simple picturebooks for me to read in one or two sittings.